1 FARBE Tampondruckmaschine.
2 Farben Tampondruckmaschine
3 Farben Tampondruckmaschine
4 Farben Tampondruckmaschine
4 Farb Tampondruckmaschine
5 Farben Tampondruckmaschine
Abladeautomatik Pick & Place
Bewegungen der Achsen über Brushless-Motoren
Brushless-Motor mit Kugelumlaufschrauben
digitalen Tastatur
Drehfunktion für Druckplattenhalterungen
elektronischer Druckachsensteuerung
elektronischer Steuerung sämtlicher Funktionen
elektropneumatische Tampondruckmaschine
ergonomischer Bedienerschnittstelle
Fotogravur von Fotopolymer-Druckplatten
geringem Wartungsaufwand
großen Werkstücken
hermetischen Farbkästen
integrierten Schutzeinrichtungen
Klischeehalterung mit Präzisionseinstellung
Lade- und Abladeautomatik
motorisierten Werkstückhalterungen
motorisierte Werkstückhalterungen
orientierbares Heißluftgebläse
präzise Druckbilder
slide system
Touch Screen - Bedienfeld
Touch Screen Beckhoff
unabhängige Tampons
Werkstückhalterung zum Zentrieren
Neuheiten und events
In the
beverage industry, personalization is very important: being recognized
immediately on the shelf is the key to the success of a drink. For those who
need to print a logo or something else on a cap, pad printing is the ideal
printing technique. Not only for beverage therefore, but also for...
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The baby
bottle is an object that brings together two important printing needs: the
graduated scale must be precise to ensure safe use, furthermore, being a
product intended for children, the manufacturers want to have the opportunity
to indulge themselves with colored drawings and decorations.
And here
Comec Italia, with...
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safety is a very important and current issue. Comec Italia, which has always
been sensitive to the needs of companies all over the world, has created a pad
printing machine for the personalization of work helmets, capable of satisfying
any printing requirement.
It is in
fact an automatic machine...
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faster than fashion? In the clothing sector, everything must be quick and
precise, in order not to stop the big seasonal shopping machine!
Italia has developed a series of machines and lines for pad printing of round
and cubic markers, hangers and inserts for hangers, to meet...
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In the energy sector, it is important to be
immediately recognizable. Cylinders, counters and all service tools must be
adequately personalized with logos so that they cannot be confused with others
and facilitate use as much as possible.
In 50 years of experience in pad printing, Comec
Italia has...
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Die Homepage von Comec
Italia, dem bewährten Ansprechpartner für Tampondruckmaschinen auf
internationalem Niveau, gibt es nun auf mehrfachen Wunsch der wichtigsten
Kunden auch in der deutschen Version.
Mit einer
konstant aktualisierten Homepage in 5 Sprachen trifft unser Unternehmen in einem
Moment, in dem wir umso mehr zukunftsorientiert denken müssen,...
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The versatility of pad printing makes it possible to profitably apply this technique in the field of toys, for printing on plastic, rubber or wood.
Over the years, Comec Italia has produced pad printing machines for various applications in the field, from building bricks to model cars, from dolls to cubes...
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